Environmental Policy

We acknowledge that running our business has an effect on wider society and the environment. Therefore, we are committed to behaving responsibly and to contribute towards minimising any negative impacts on the environment.

In considering the environment, we have resolved:

  • to encourage environmental responsibility amongst our suppliers and staff and to include environmental considerations in our purchasing and procurement processes;

  • to minimise our consumption of natural resources and manage waste through responsible disposal and the reuse and recycling of as much as possible (including paper and ink cartridges);

  • to encourage staff not to print documents or if printing is necessary, to print documents double sided;

  • to minimise our use of electricity by ensuring all electrical equipment is turned off when not in use;

  • to comply with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements;

  • to regularly review the environmental impact of our activities and sustain a programme of continual improvement in environmental performance, incorporating suitable measurement and monitoring mechanisms;

  • to become “B-Corp” certified

We are committed to ensuring that our policy remains effective. All members of staff are therefore encouraged to make further suggestions in relation to initiatives we could undertake.