Open Utility develop Selectricity: peer-to-peer matched energy

Open Utility (now known as Piclo) are one of Lux Nova’s long standing clients and we are proud to have assisted them with their market leading and transformational projects in the distributed energy market. Clean energy innovators, Piclo have been developing smart software solutions to address a number of energy market failures, including the ability to trade energy locally and to enable broader access to the grid flexibility and capacity market (see [link to Pixlo Flex study]).

In August 2016, Piclo launched Selectricity with Good Energy, an innovative P2P platform for renewable energy, where electricity supply and demand are matched between renewable generators and consumers on a half hourly basis, enabling renewable generators to promote their projects and consumers to select tranches of output from their preferred generations sources to construct their own generation portfolio, via an AirBnB-style platform. Consumers using the product include Eden Project in Cornwall.

We worked with Piclo to help design the legal framework for the platform and govern the relationship with commercial partners, including Good Energy and have continued to support them in the negotiation of contracts with their commercial partners, including with licensed utilities in Italy and the Netherlands.